
We’re constantly expanding our supplier base to meet customer and consumer needs. We provide you with a specialist sourcing and operations team who are experts in their local area, dedicated to finding quality, local suppliers from across the UK.

Our portfolio consists of 520 suppliers covering categories ranging from Fresh to Frozen, BWS to Ambient and Non-Food to Horticulture. We have a supply base from across the UK from Orkney to Redruth.

Our GSCOP trained network of Local Sourcing and Operations Managers gives us a dynamic range and competitive advantage. We are always actively looking for new and exciting products, looking at ways to diversify our product offering.

The groceries supply code of practice (GSCOP)

  • GSCOP legislation came in February 2010 and is designed to regulate the relationship between supermarkets and their suppliers
  • We are registered as GSCOP trainers and 100% of our team are trained annually
  • We work in accordance with GSCOP promising equality & corporate integrity